Saturday, April 30

kay,i finally changed my blogskin.i was eyeing this one for a long time.that emily one i had was sorta depressing,considering she's a sad,sad child.but whatever,just wanted to say im beginning to miss sher,shumei and gab.wonder how they're doing now.

sher's in chiang rai,shumei's in chiang mai,gab's in kunming.and where am i going?am stayin in good ol' singapore.gah.but staying here is also good in a few just recovering frm the stupid fever and i got this horrid crink in my,i'd get wouldnt allow me to go anw,if i were supposed to.she said so when we sent gab off this morning.

oh,im nt going to the famous physician or whoever anymore.seems he's nt there,no mre awful medicine to make me gag.

im here without you baby,but you're still on my lonely mind.i think about you baby,and i dream about you all the here without you baby,but you're still with me in my dreams.and tonight,its only you and me.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 12:27

just sent gab off at the airport.i wasnt sure of the time she was leaving home,so i woke up at like,2am.i was afraid they'd leave without me because i didnt tell my mom that i was going along too.i couldnt send sher off because of school,and shumei too,because of i thought i had to send at least one of them off.anw,we left at 5:30am,and reached at 6am.gab was already beginning to get homesick.

saw mdm toh at the airport.didnt knw she was going too.aft that went got me an appointment with sum famous physician.yeesh.well,i had a relapse last night,so im going to see him later,around eight to nine.he's supposedly damn famous and of high demand.nvr heard to him tho.

she said to tell him all the symptoms i had,like fever that comes and goes,and dizziness,stuff like that.den she said all those were the symptoms of dengue fever,so i'd better be careful.haha,i cant be that sway to get dengue fever.i dun even knw what the heck is dengue fever.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 07:21

Friday, April 29

english class was damn fun.we joined classes with 4h and we were grouped into small groups of 4.we were given a title and had to come out with a storyline,and act it out later.we got a difficult one - winning an argument.

gab's group was damn funny.she was the mom and she had to use a paper cane and cane lao jiao.she couldnt stop laughing.after that zhong hao borrowed gab's skirt and dressed like a was great fun.i was in the same group as wendy,weiming and justin.the guys are from 4h.

anw,there were only about ten people in class today,the rest had already flown off for their service learning.sher had left at about 6 in the morning while shumei left at 1.was really sian today.already miss them loads.well,at least am in the same group as xiufeng and isabelle at local service least that's not so bad.wish kailin was in our group too,though.

gab and kristal are leaving tmr morning at going too,hopefully i can wake up on time,or gab will leave me at home.

at assembly,i looked my arms and found out i got that rash again.i had something just like it when i stayed over at sher's for the first time.haiz.miss her.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 14:10

Monday, April 25

dad just left for east the time he's back gab would've already gone to kunming.argh im so envious.

anw,last night was torture for me.i was sleeping and suddenly i had this nightmare,those that always came when i had a fever.i got so freaked out i started crying in my had to wake me up.omg i was so freaked out.i hated those dreams.i had one saturday night too,when i was having a nap on my parents' bed.i was afraid to sleep last wasnt easy falling asleep even though i was with my mom.

i just watched the pacifier on dvd.its a great show.should watch it if you havent.gab,my mom and i watched lemony snikett's a series of unfortunate events last was funnier the second time round for some reason.

golly,bet i'm gonna be bombarded with homework and tests tmr when i go back to sch.they just had a math test today,and im missing today's napha test gonna be so behind work,i hope the teachers dont get me up for remedial lessons.and to top it up shumei said i failed my humans test.

man.can things get any worse.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 14:06

Sunday, April 24

man its been a helluva week.been waking up feeling like i got a hangover and feeling incredibly nauseous.i nvr wanna get sick again.

to make things worse i get nightmares so frequent.well,there are some good dreams but thats hardly the point.u hav no idea how horrid those nightmares are.-shudder.

im sending gab and shumei off for their overseas learning trips.gab's on friday and shumei's on saturday.i think.shld be.i gotta double-check later.gab's going to kunming,china,and shumei's going to chiangmai,thailand.i wish i was going to chiangrai,thailand,because sher's going and so are angel and mark!haii.oh well.i'll go nxt year with the current sec3 batch.

ok i gotta go.i wanna go see if there's anything to eat.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 08:22

Friday, April 22

mmz.didnt go to sch yesterday n today.wednesday was a horrid day for told me to sign out but i was certain mrs peng wouldnt allow me to.after sch my uncle came to fetch me and gab mom had told my grandma that i wasnt feeling well,and my uncle took me straight to a doctor.turned out i had a fever.38.1degrees i think.since i went to sch weds,the doc gave me an mc for two days,yesterday and today.

slept throughout wednesday afternoon and yesterday.i did wake up occasionally,but only for about 5mins.i was ok in the morning,but in the evening my condition deteriorated like crap.slept on my parents' bed,and at around 10 i had a frightening nightmare that scared the shit out of me.couldnt get back to sleep for awhile aft that.

i was supposed to watch coach carter on saturday,but i decided to go home aft the chinese exam thinger.i didnt study for it,so i can get ready to fail.

mom asked me if i wanted an iPod Shuffle.i duno what the hell's that but i heard 'iPod', so i said i wan.haha.anw i gotta go.tah.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 09:15

Monday, April 18

Dear Diary

Dear diary,
Today I saw that boy
And I wondered if he noticed me
He took my breath away

Dear diary
I can't get him off my mind
And it scares me
'Cause I've never felt this way

No one in this world
Knows me better than you do
So diary I'll confide in you

Dear diary
Today I saw that boy
As he walked by I thought he smiled at me

And I wondered
Does he know what's in my heart
I tried to smile, but I could hardly breathe

Should I tell him how I feel
Or would that scare him away
Diary, tell me what to do
Please tell me what to say

Dear diary
One touch of his hand
Now I can't wait to see that boy again

He smiled
And I thought my heart could fly
Diary, do you think that we'll be more than friends?
I've got a feeling we'll be so much more than friends

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 16:10

Sunday, April 17

okay.lets start with yesterday.i didnt blog because the connection was anw,i didnt go out.4 ppl asked me out and since i didnt knw what to do,i just stayed home.watched tv for the whole day with was ok.played the guitar.tried to recover the song 'my heart will go on',that angel taught me.luckily i had the notes,but it took awhile for me to play the whole song correctly.

johnny english was on at nine pm,so gab and i watched was damn funny.i couldnt help laughing.after that,it was about ten-thirty.gab felt tired so she went to sleep first.i stayed up with my grandma and watched this korean show.its totally making it a habit to watch it every i fell in love with the male lead.wahaha.well,basically its only because he looked like,well,someone i knw. =P

it ended at twelve-thirty,and i still didnt feel tired.i went to bed at one am.woke up early for church.golly.feel so tired.only slept about 6 hours.thats barely enough.*yawn.

supposed to meet jon at tiong station to go to church tgt,but he had something on,so i went first.there was this gb and bb thing on in jcc,so we had like,two hours to kill before service started upstairs.joel and i watched the parade from the was fun.we didnt really watch but kept talking and joking.was rather fun.

we still had like,half an hour,so we sat and talked among ourselves.joel n i leaned against each was comfy.or rather,com-fi,as it is in shumei's dictionary.haha.xf was worried because she had this Olevel f&n practical and she didnt get the recipe and ingredients yet.i kept reassuring her that God would help her.pei en prayed for her too.

at service,we were late,so we went to this soundproof room,where toddlers went when they got noisy.there was this baby boy that was crying n crying,so jon n xf went to play with him.i joined them after awhile.the baby's so cute!!i was like,"i want one too".

thought about things.yea.talked to xf n jon about it.they were a great help.turned out there's more to what meets the eye.belle should knw what im talking about.

went to jon's place for awhile because xf needed to print the recipe thing.i didnt want to go in,because i was afraid his mom would find out.she doesnt allow us there anymore because,apparently,she finds us responsible for the electricity anw,i wanted to sit outside and wait for her to finish doing her stuff.jon took me up to the rooftop,but the access door was he took my hand and led me back to his unit.he tried to pull me in,and i gave in after awhile.watched a repeat of the show i watched last night with my grandma because i wanted to swoon at that guy again.wahaha.

came home because i didnt want to miss the rest of the show.and so now im here.things got complicated these few days.hidden facts started to show itself.but proud of myself nevertheless.its something between stephanie and i ;)

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 17:03

Thursday, April 14

today was,well,okay in some areas.

wendy,sher and shumei had syf i was kind of alone.but matthew accompanied me for most of the classes.he sat w/ me in humanities class and chinese for pe,he and i didnt do anything but help keep track of those who were running 2.4km.i'd passed and since matthew had some leg injury,he asked me to accompany him to take down the timings and the whole pe period was sort of wasted.

we were mostly tgt for most of today so a few of the class ppl got mistaken that we were together,as in really together.we brushed off the remarks because it didnt seem such big a deal.but in chinese class,i was sitting w/ him at the back,and kawai came n asked if we stead.i got tired of that qn so i just shrugged and continued what i was doing.then he got a misconception and exclaimed to the whole class that we were bf n chinese class was a headache.

mr pang didnt come,so we jsut listened to music and talked.i was playing with a slinky for the whole period.quite fun actually.haha.

well then,the results for the physics retest came out.i was dreading that mind was a blank when i did the ong did mention that someone deproved quite badly and i was praying that it wasnt me.unfortunately,it was.i got 25% out of 100.from third in class to dead bottom.wasnt in a great mood after that.

english was the worst.just because i answered mrs quah's [or kwa or whatever] questions most of the time,she scolded me,telling me to stop answering.i was like,wtf.excuse me for answering when you were asking the class.i shut up for the rest of the lesson after that.

after sch was ok.i was w/ xiufeng n isabelle.they had engilsh remedial and i joined in.its been so long since i sat for one of ms wong's classes.she didnt mind me joining in,so yea.received a call from bryan in the middle of it,so i excused myself and walked out to talk.jon was waiting for us to finish because xiufeng was going to his place after.

belle and i wanted to go too,but i changed my mind i went home.belle took the same bus as them,so i duno if she was going to jon's place or heading home.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 16:11

Wednesday, April 13

so today didnt go very well.

got a 70% for my math graph test,which really sucks.i barely got a B for that one.the year books of last year was given out today,and since one of my sisters were ordering,i shared one w/ matthew n looked through it in science ong gave us about ten minutes to read third in class for a phy quiz.duno how i got that high.when i got back the test paper,i couldnt recall how to do all those equations and stuff.i did badly for another quiz that we had man.

passed my history test with half a man!!there're ppl who scored like,full marks.geez.and on top of that wendy and shumei got into a gigantic argument that left me in the middle.and i'll be alone tmr since wendy and shumei both have syf.sher has too i think.haii.tmr's gonna suck.

in english class,i'd a booking because i didnt hear the teacher saying yesterday that we needed to do this story the end,when i finished my story outlines and was planning to use that,the teacher came n said that my outline was wrong and yadda yadda yadda.this is definitely NOT my day.

went for badminton practice.the coach's two sons came to sub for him because he's away on some thing.the elder one looks like christopher michael lee!!omg.he's damn cute certainly eased my "bad luck",so called.

mom got me a wristband.this time a smaller one that fits me perfectly.but it sure isnt a substitute for the one i lost.the other one had some sentimental value.

its weds.middle of the week.gonna look forward to saturday when i can chill at home.and sunday,church.guess thats it for today.ciao.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 18:56

Saturday, April 9

just watched an animation of an anaconda killing a i hate those snakes.they give me the creeps.

anw,i typed an freaking long entry the day before yesterday but the stupid blogger had an i'm taking bryan's advice and typing everything out in microsoft word.

thursday was cool.had a 2.4km trial run.passed and i nidn't run again.wahaha.then i got really sway.i went to change our of my pe shirt w/ wendy and left our bags w/ shumei.well,then,shumei strolled leisurely into the girls' room and told me that my phone was confiscated.apparently her bofriend jack had called her via my phone,and she felt the vibration.and she wonderfully took out my phone and answered it right in the middle of the corridor.

so yea.thats how it got confiscated.i got rather mad at her for not having enough sense to ignore jack's call.and after that she took it as though nothing happened.gab confronted her after sch and she dared show her attitude.but by then i was already out of school,so i didnt get to give her a piece of my mind.

went to meet bryan after sch w/ xiufeng and jon.we took 33 to tiong then changed to the mrt line to city hall.he was at suntec having lunch so we went to raffles city to change.den jon led the way to where bryan was.saw him w/ a girl,and didnt want to disturb,so we walked off.

xiufeng n jon wanted to go to mac,so i went too and ordered a coke float while waiting for bryan to finish his lunch n show up.after lunch i nided to find a handphone shop so we walked around.i bought a singtel top-up card for daniel which cost me my last $25.but i didnt mind.after that we walked to hot!!i was complaining alot.haha.wasnt in the best mood then.but it was okay.

forgot the details.mmz.but it was great.yea.yesterday was back my math test 90%.not too bad but there're alot of careless mistakes.but quite a few got 90%,so its nothing to brag abt.

and i got my phone back!heez.instead of me looking for the teacher,he came to look for me.gave it back to me in now i'm rather afraid of lending shumei my phone.once bitten twice shy.well,then after school,i went home for awhile before heading back to school for a friendly match w/ SAS [singapore american school].the school was beautiful!!man,i would kill to study in a school like that.the trip there took half an hour though.but i kept myself busy sms-ing jun and listening to music.jun said i looked very dao when listening to didnt knw that.
we played among ourselves for abit of warm up.i had muscle aches on my legs because of the 2.4km run.i had warmed up but i forgot to cool down.i was supposed to play one doubles and one singles,but ended playing two doubles.i paired w/ weili.for the first game,we lost the first set,but won the second and proud of myself.i used to give up winning whenever we lost the first set.the second doubles was horrid.we lost both sets.but oh least we managed to win one game.

while waiting for the bus to come to take us back to school,we talked about corrupted science experiments and was quite funny.nicole n sinyee made fun of some people and we couldnt stop laughing.the trip back was felt shorter than that on the way there.

as for today,matthew sms-ed me and asked if i wanted to go out.i said yes and we went to bugis.meeting time was at 10:30 but we were both ya.we thought of watching a movie and i'd wanted to watch the wedding date.we got tickets for the 11:15 show,and went to a bookstore to kill time.we talked n looked at comics.the show was good.funny.omg,dermot mulroney is soooo shuai!!eeps.i was totally mesmerized by him.i could stare at him all day.
after the movie we walked around.had lunch at the foodcourt.n i'd left my wallet there -_- only discovered it when we were heading back.we went back to try to find it.haiii.all my neoprints!! :(

oh well.matthew was laughing and suan-ing me all the way back home.but he sacrificed his plan for a double cheeseburger and lent me the money to get was nice of him.

omg my legs are is my back.imagine three days of physical workout without cooling down.first it was badminton training,then it was the 2.4km run,then a badminton friendly match.lets hope next week will be better.

alrighttt.i guess this is enough for one entry.tah.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 14:50

Wednesday, April 6

ah was okay,but it could've gone better.woke up with a mouthful of ulcer had bled during the night.gross.anw,for once we were early for school.we used to reach school right before getting booked for being late.

right then.went to sch.received an announcement that choir syf won gold w/ honors and ms lim was overjoyed.then one teacher was retiring tmr,so they had this short thanksgiving thing at assembly.the teacher had been with fairfield for 42 years,n thats a very long time.she even taught ms thio,our maths anw,the students did something for her,n they gave a testimony of her in front of the whole sch.even tho she didnt teach me before,the thanksgiving thing almost moved me to tears.even the prayer for her was damn touching.

after sch,went for lunch w/ kailin,gaby,sher n shumei at was cool.shumei told all of us a piece of news that i'd already heard a few days ago,and it really shocked sher,gab n kailin.cuz,well,it isnt really good news.its hardly bad news.its ultra bad news.i think gab and sher went into a shock.kailin was wearing an expressionless face all thru bet she was just listening to our conversations.she's rather quiet.

well,then,i headed home in my unc's car.sent my sister to her piano lessons first.on the way home,it started pouring with rain.i wasnt worried about it because i was sheltered.then there was a traffic jam outside queensway.we were stuck for like,half an hour.i was really desperate to be getting home because i was running late for training.we were probably going at a speed of 1km/h,and im not exaggerating things.finally we could move because the traffic police arrived.saw that there was an accident about one hundred metres in front of where we were stuck.the storm had been so bad that a tree had collapsed on a busplus bus.freaky.hope no one was unc was afraid that the car would run out of fuel and stall.scared the shit out of me.

when i finally reached the sports hall where training was held,it was already 17:15.i was late for one hour 15 mins.i tried explaining to ms thio but i dont think she believed me.haii.what can i do.warmed up on my own and ran 5 rounds around the badminton hall.then did drill.three times in a row!we normally needed a rest after one round.but since i came late,the coach gave me all the drills together.geez.front and back 40 shuttles.diagonal front and back 20 shuttles.i almost fell down and died.haha.yea you wont get the joke.its a joke between me and wendy.

hm.had a nice chat w/ dorothy yesterday night on the was great.enjoyable.yah.talked about loads of stuff.

ahh!!i dropped my watch!!!

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 19:31

Sunday, April 3

have been so long since i've updated. oh well. i've been writing in my other diary, so ya, dont have much to write here, but am gonna give a brief review on what happened today.

i went for church with jon and belle. joel had a competition on so he left after the sermon. went to 7-eleven to buy some haribo for him first though, since its his favourite sweet. then he went off. cell was about bgr. haha. had a great time sharing with the girls about relationships and stuff. yah. then went to jon's place to do homework. ending up playing but i managed to finish up one composition though.

haha, jun's online telling me that he's jealous of me cuz i've got no pimples. lol.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 21:58